
Culture Jam is an annual student-led and produced conference focused on diversity. 它的目的是让学生能够与同龄人勇敢地交谈. Culture Jam offers a safe, 为高中生提供讨论学校中存在的与公平相关的问题的包容性空间, the Pittsburgh region, and the global community.

Centered on social justice issues and core cultural identifiers such as race, 性别, 宗教, 性, socio-economic status, 家庭结构, 和更多的, 文化果酱为高中生提供了一个独特的机会,让他们彼此联系,学习如何点燃真正改变的火花. Organized and helmed by 澳门官方老葡京’s Student Diversity League, Culture Jam 2024 will take place on January 12, 2024, marking the conference's 20th anniversary.

This year's theme is Creating Peace from Peril, and it will focus on the ability to reimagine hardships as opportunities for growth. Culture Jam will provide a safe space for participants to explore their struggles, 找到解决方案, 并最终感到有能力掌控自己的负面经历,并注意到总有一条出路. 学生多样性联盟将提供资源和支持,帮助参与者度过困难时期,并希望激励文化果酱的参与者在他们的生活和社区中创造有意义的改变.

2024 Culture Jam Schedule

7:30–8:10 a.m.
登记 & 音乐
高中大堂 & 珍妮特的健身房
8:10–8:20 a.m.
欢迎 & 介绍
8:20–8:50 a.m.
8:50–9:10 a.m.
9:10–9:55 a.m.
10:00–10:30 a.m.
10:35–11:05 a.m.
11:10–11:35 a.m.
Affinity Groups Round 1
11:35 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
午餐 & 游戏 
12:30–12:55 p.m.
Affinity Groups Round 2
1:00–2:00 p.m.
2:00–2:15 p.m.
Break/利昂·福特 Book Signing
礼堂 & 画廊
2:15–3:00 p.m.
3:00–3:05 p.m.
3:05–3:10 p.m.

*Please note: Schedule is subject to change.

关于 Our 2024 Guest Speakers


  • 苏珊拜妲

    is the Executive Director of the Collaboratory Against Hate (CAH), 一个学术中心,其使命是帮助理解和减轻源于群体仇恨的有针对性的暴力. A partnership between Carnegie Mellon University and the University Pittsburgh, 它是作为社区对2018年10月匹兹堡犹太教堂悲剧的回应而成立的. 她与学术界和社区合作伙伴密切合作,开展研究和干预措施,以帮助减少有针对性的暴力,减少分裂,促进更多合作. 在担任这个角色之前, she served as Director of Diversity, 股本, 在UPMC,她制定了一项有助于提高员工多样性的全系统战略, minimize health inequities for underserved communities, and deepen community partnerships. During the first half of her career, 她曾在化妆品和酒店业的财富500强公司担任全球营销主管,后来离开公司,与人共同创办了一家医疗保健技术企业,致力于满足年迈父母的家庭照顾者的需求. Parallel to her career, 她在自己的社区担任志愿者,被任命为曼哈顿社区委员会成员, 她是纽约市市长办公室的顾问委员会主席,在那里她主持了人类服务委员会,并通过了解决经济适用房问题的决议, 同性婚姻, class size reduction, 无家可归, 等. 她目前是Women’s Center和Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh的董事会成员, La Promesa Foundation, and the Pine Richland Anti-Racist Parent Coalition. She graduated from Emory University with a B.A. 通识教育. 她接受了瓦萨学院的行政领导培训和Inclusant的DEI领导认证, 有限责任公司. She is the mother of Avery Mills (Ellis Class of 2026), 她的双胞胎儿子, 卡梅隆和朱利安, 还有他们的小猎犬, 苏菲.
  • 利昂·福特

    匹兹堡 利昂·福特 is a celebrated author, social entrepreneur, 影响投资者, international speaker, and changemaker dedicated to driving positive change in his community and beyond. As a respected activist and mental health ambassador, Ford passionately addresses disparities by focusing on holistic wellness. His inspiring approach emphasizes the importance of resilience, transforming personal challenges into purpose, and creating a lasting societal impact.

    In 2012, 福特在一次种族歧视的交通拦截中被一名警察不幸连开五枪, leaving him physically paralyzed. 不过, he has continued to positively impact his community, 在文化能力方面与警务人员合作,在起草政策以修改使用武力法方面与立法者合作.

    In 2022, 利昂与前匹兹堡警察局局长斯科特·舒伯特共同创立了希尔基金会. This trailblazing nonprofit seeks to bridge the gap between residents, 社区领袖, 以及执法部门, cultivating a safe and thriving community for all. In recognition of its innovative approach, the foundation received the prestigious McNulty Catalyst Prize in 2023. 福特还与其他150多位领导者一起成为“与我们一起开始”(Starts With us)的创始合作伙伴,这是一个通过培养好奇心来结束文化战争的运动, 同情, and courage as daily habits.

    As an influential figure in social justice and mental health, Ford inspires others through speaking engagements, 指导, and fostering open 对话. 通过他的工作, he cultivates leaders, 组织者, and social entrepreneurs, 确保他对一个富有同情心和公正的社会的愿景能够延续到子孙后代.

    福特的成就包括:执行制作戛纳电影节获奖纪录片 利昂 (2019)和 Breaking Bread: A Conversation on Race in America (2021), which won a Shorty Award; 总统 Obama's Volunteer Service Award (2017); The Root 100 (2018); Pittsburgh's 40 Under 40 (2019); Forbes 30 Under 30 (2023);  and the National Urban League Community Service Award (2023).

    As a member of The Aspen Institute's Inaugural Civil Society Fellowship, Ford is devoted to nurturing the next generation of leaders and activists. He serves as an entrepreneur in residence for Bronze Investments, is co-founder of the 利昂·福特 Legacy Fund, and holds board positions with multiple organizations.

    In addition to his activism, 福特为克服逆境和促进福祉撰写了宝贵的资源, 比如回忆录 An Unspeakable Hope (2023年5月), Untold: Testimony and Guide to Overcoming Adversity (2017)和 The 利昂 Self Care Handbook: From Surviving to Thriving, offering practical tools for healing and personal growth.
  • 哈尼法Nakiryowa

    is originally from Uganda and is an active member of the Pittsburgh community. 她是一位非常热心的妇女和儿童权利倡导者,并在当地和国际的不同平台上代表女性的声音. 她是一名TEDx演讲者,并利用她在乌干达残酷的硫酸袭击中幸存下来的经历,提高人们对严重影响妇女和儿童的系统性侵犯人权行为的认识.

    哈尼法是一位充满激情的人权活动家,她在乌干达创立了非营利组织CERESAV,以反对侵犯人权和滥用人权的行为,并动员资源支持泼酸袭击幸存者的医疗和康复, support the education of their children, and promote their economic livelihoods. 通过这项工作, 哈尼法在网上发起了一项请愿活动,促使乌干达政府于2016年通过了《澳门新葡新京官方》.

    哈尼法毕业于匹兹堡大学公共和国际事务研究生院,获得国际发展和人类安全研究硕士学位,并继续在匹兹堡犹太医疗保健基金会开展宣传工作, 宾西法尼亚.

Culture Jam Attendee Pledge

  1. Listen, and keep an open mind to learning from someone new.
  2. 说出来,并帮助别人了解我的个人经历与多样性和判断力.
  3. Care, by being sensitive, respectful, and understanding of others.
  4. Try, by being courageous and patient, and engaging with difficult topics maturely.
  5. 行为, 通过寻找一种方式, 大或小, to work against the culture of judgment in my school and community.

关于 the Student Diversity League


  • 2024 Student Diversity League Leaders

    总统 - Nadia Commodore, Class of 2024
    副总统 - Zaitun Kirabo, Class of 2025
    Culture Jam Committee Leaders - Zoi Sledge, Class of 2025, and Khyla Herbert, Class of 2026
    Community Education Committee Leader - Rebekah Rapp, Class of 2024
  • 关于 the Student Diversity League

    澳门官方老葡京学生多样性联盟的目标是为学生提供学习的机会, 对话, connect with each other, and take action about issues related to diversity, 股本, and inclusion both within the Ellis community and the larger world outside Ellis.
  • Student Diversity League Mission

    学生多样性联盟(SDL)的成员致力于提高对当前多样性相关话题的认识,以强调多样性的价值和美丽. 他们鼓励公开和诚实的讨论,允许有不同意见,但最终目的是接受.

问题? 请联系:


  • Photo of 丹尼斯 LaRosa

    Dr. 丹尼斯 LaRosa 

    Director of Diversity, 股本, and Inclusion
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